Nosh Above & Beyond

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A balance of sweet and savory Kosher foods are nestled in a gorgeous basket to send the best of wishes.

To get the nosh going, we have included a large cinnamon-walnut coffee cake from My Grandma's of New England, Salt of the Earth cookies, Sarabeth's Orange Apricot Marmalade, eight pieces of premium fresh fruit, and 18 pieces of our own Chelsea Market Baskets chocolate squares.

To balance out the gift we have included New York Bagel Crisps, Seed + Mill Halva, and Knekkebrod Norwegian Baked Crisps. Finally, to help you wash it all down, 2 packs of Mariebelle Hot Chocolate Mix.

This gift is appropriate for those who keep Kosher, but is perfectly suited to send to anyone!.

This gift is appropriate for those who keep Kosher, but is perfectly suited to send to anyone!